NADRA, Pakistan’s National Database and Registration Authority, has successfully executed several international projects, showcasing its expertise in providing secure and efficient identification systems. These projects have enabled other countries to enhance their identification and registration processes while ensuring compliance with international standards. The following are notable success stories of NADRA’s international projects:
National Driver’s License System Bangladesh:
NADRA implemented a comprehensive driver’s licensing system in Bangladesh, incorporating stored data with the card bearer’s personal information. This digitization of applicant information ensures authenticity and transparency. To date, over 275,000 driver’s licenses have been issued, and NADRA continues to provide regular consultancy services and system enhancements to the Bangladeshi licensing systems.
Passport Issuance & Control System Kenya:
NADRA facilitated Kenya with the issuance of machine-readable passports by leveraging extensive research and development. The implemented passport system is identity card-centric and compliant with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. This technology enables Kenya to acquire passport data in line with ICAO requirements and synchronize it with their identity system. NADRA provides ongoing technical support and software upgrades when necessary.
Electronic Passport System Kenya:
Building on the success of the machine-readable passport project, NADRA further upgraded Kenya’s passports to e-passports. The implemented solution caters to all types of passports and can be customized based on client requirements. It incorporates features such as PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), RFID chip, integration with biometric features (facial and fingerprint), IPI (Invisible Personal ID), 2D barcode, and a machine-readable zone (MRZ).
Civil Registration System Sudan:
NADRA designed a civil registration system for Sudan to effectively register and track vital events, including births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, in a centralized national database. The system includes the issuance of national identities and is seamlessly integrated with a world-leading Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
National Identity Management System Nigeria:
NADRA developed and implemented the complete backend system for Nigeria’s National Identity Card project. This system, integrated with a leading AFIS system, efficiently handles identity issuance. It encompasses the National Identity Management portal, integration with AFIS, production, and front-end enhancements.
Election Management System Fiji:
Fiji Elections Office (FEO) awarded the “Election Management System” to NADRA through International Competitive Bidding process in May 2016.
NADRA shall develop and deploy an ISO compliant, strategically secure and highly scalable election management system for the Republic of Fiji by February 2017. NADRA’s knowledge and experience shall be applied to migrate Fiji’s existing system of distributed and disparate Election Management modules to an enhanced and integrated architecture of a Centralized Election Management System (CEMS). This system aims to provide better and faster decision making while protecting the fundamental voting rights of the Fijian people.
Re-admission Case Management System:
Under the EURA agreement between Government of Pakistan and EU Member States, NADRA developed an Electronic Platform for Readmission of persons residing in EU without authorization. First phase of pilot project was rolled out for 4x EU Member States (MS) in 2017/18. Upon successful execution in Phase-I, second service agreement was signed in July 2020 between NADRA and IOM Pakistan for deployment of solution in additional 14x EU Foreign Missions and its corresponding states. A prior approval was acquired from MoI, MoFA, Law Division, MoHR, MoOP & HRD and Honorable Cabinet to sign the contract and deploy the solution. In compliance to second agreement, the system is deployed in additional 4 EU MS during month of Sep. & Oct. 2021.
Somalia National Identification System:
In 2017, Government of Pakistan and Federal Government of Somalia entered into a contract. NADRA is providing technical assistance to develop Somalia National Identification System and allied services.
These success stories exemplify NADRA’s commitment to delivering secure and reliable identification solutions, ensuring accurate data management, and providing technical expertise to enhance identification processes globally. By leveraging its knowledge and experience, NADRA has made significant contributions to the successful implementation of these projects, facilitating streamlined operations, secure data management, and improved decision-making in the respective countries
The writer is Customs, Tariff and Trade Expert