Zarmina khan

Health is an important aspect of any society and there is a robust relationship between health and development. The good health of majority of the population will lead to the development of the society but the nature of this association is quite complex and it changes over time. Health has a profound effect on economic growth.  Development in health sector assists in increasing the income of masses and the scientific battle against the communicable and non-communicable diseases strengthens the economic productivity. It is vital to evaluate the impact of health policies because it delivers an insight for the improvement of the health services. It is evident that enriched nourishment, favorable life style, and environment are the building blocks of good health, which in turn gives the better output for the economic development. Socio economic factors are very relevant to the health department, without proper allocation of budget and resources, development in the health sector is nearly impossible.

The appropriate investment in the mother and child health care department could be considered as the investment for the future because it will decrease the proportion of stunted growth, physical and mental illness, which ultimately helps to build up an economically and socially developed society.  The strong ties among the political, social, and economic reforms are needed to initiate and push forward the health development projects to meet the necessary health needs of public. Governance in health sector is as needed as it is in other sectors. World Health Organization highlighted the importance of good governance in a defined way “Good governance is epitomized by predictable, open and enlightened decision making (that is transparent process) a bureaucracy imbued with a professional ethos; an executive arm of government accountable for its actions and a strong civil society participating in public affairs all behaving under the rule of law”.

The problem arises when it comes to the distribution of the health care services between the rural and urban areas. The fragmentation in the funding process generates the other issues, therefore, the proper decision-making without urban biasness is needed to deliver the health care services in the every corner of the country to reduce the infant and maternal mortality and to control and prevent the other communicable and non-communicable diseases. The public awareness health care programs organized by government will be effective to educate the masses about the different kind of diseases and it will be helpful in spreading mindfulness about malnutrition and several kinds of improvident fertility patterns.

The governance in health department is the capacity of the government to formulate the health care policies and then to make sure the effective implementation of those policies. At the first hand, government is responsible to manage the fiscal affairs fairly to meet the needs and demands of the doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, patients and other staff members. Transparent role of Administrative units in hospitals and health centers is crucial to run the system effectively. It is obvious that government role in introducing the reforms in health department is quite prominent and good governance will promote the development in health sector, which will be helpful to boost up the economic growth as well.

The writer is Health and Development Expert at the School for Law and Development

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