Arif Anwar Baloch

For centuries girls and women are being used as a tool to settle disputes between tribes and families. It has never been emphasized/highlighted that the role of women is very important to control the problem and handle extremism of all sorts. There is a need to highlight this aspect and create awareness of this issue. The problem is multiplied when there is no empowerment of women and they have a minor role to play in the overall development of a country. The answer is without empowering women you cannot contribute to the prosperity and maintain peace in the country.

When young minds face uncertain socio-economic conditions, their behavior responds in the same manner. In such conditions, there is a high probability of behaving in an aggressive manner. Repeated exposure to violent situations results in erosion of socio-economic support and in such situations the parents, guardians, and caretakers are not in a position to realize the extent of support, nor do they fully understand the immediate, short-term and long-term effects of exposure to extremism faced by youth i.e. both male and female.

There is a need to build a narrative to counter the prevalent mindset that women have no role in peacebuilding. This gender perspective in peacebuilding or women’s role in conflict transformation needs to be understood. The need of the hour is to devise and build strategies to enhance the role the women’s involvement in peacemaking and control violent extremism. The strategies should signify the role of women as torch-bearers of peace, and security and be based on the idea of achieving the objectives of rule of law, justice, and the principles of tolerance and mutual respect to ensure the rights and obligations of each and every citizen in Pakistan. The objective of the strategy should aim at providing a shield/protection against radicalization, extremism, and harassment to help in the creation of harmonized, peaceful and tolerant society.

Accordingly, there is a significant role of female peacebuilders as mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives being equally important and effective members of a family in order to neutralize violent tendencies and delinquencies among youth, right from childhood. The strategies need to promote the rights and privileges of women in Islam, the empowerment of women, and the emphasis on promoting the concept of strong families which ultimately result in making a strong society. The teaching of the Holy Quran, International Human Rights treaties, and the Islamic perspective of respect for women and protection of their rights will be the source of strength for these interventions.

The strategies should be implemented right from the grass root level where these kinds of problems are seen more often because of the cultural barriers and less prevalence of education. The elders of the community should be the focused group to target in order to create more awareness and acceptance of the above idea so that we can counter this menace in an effective manner and highlight and promote the role of women in our country.

The writer is the Federal Secretary, currently serving as Secretary, National Commission on the Status of Women.

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