School for Law and Development
The School for Law and Development (SLD) is a consultancy firm that provides multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary consultancy services and policy advice for Legislative Drafting, Social & Legal Research, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
SLD brings together Legal Experts, Academicians, Professional Trainers, and Dispute Resolution Experts from different parts of the country and abroad to provide a range of diversified services for Human and Institutional Development.
Experts at the SLD strongly believe that there is a relationship between law and development. Even with all its different manifestations and meanings, development is almost impossible without the intervention of the law. They have knowledge and expertise in the fields of law and development, and their intersections. This makes it possible for the SLD team to support individuals and organisations conceptualising policy and legislation that aligns with the principles of sustainable and responsible development.
The Journal of Law and Development (TJLD)
Scope of the Journal: TJLD builds interdisciplinary understanding of two major subjects; law and development. The Journal focuses on the interconnectedness and events of national, regional, and international importance by strengthening the knowledge base in Pakistan and all around the world on areas related to international law, international development, diplomacy, governance, the judiciary, human rights, international politics, conflict studies, and security.
Call for Abstracts
The call for papers for Vol. 1, Issue 1, of the Journal of Law and Development is open now. The last date to submit the abstract is April 30, 2024.
Major Themes
- E-courts and Child Rights
- Economic Development and Intellectual Property
- Business and Law
- Urbanisation and Development
- Law and Women Protection
- Environment and Rule of Law
- Climate Change and Food Security
Article Word Limit: Articles should be between 3000-5000 words, inclusive of an abstract of 100-150 words, 5-6 keywords, and footnotes.
Book Reviews: Reviews of recent books by scholars standing in their field should be approximately 1000 words.
Citation Format: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition (Full Note).
Writing Style:
- British English should be used.
- The dates should be written as February 1, 2024.
- Acronyms should be written within brackets after writing the words in full on first use, e.g., the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Subsequently, only SAARC should be used without brackets.
- “Percent” should be used in the text, instead of the % sign.
- Complete references of all figures, graphs, images, maps and tables need to be provided. Images/maps should have a resolution of 300–600 dpi and sent as .tiff, .jpeg, or .bmp.
- Font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5
Plagiarism: The Journal has a strict zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. All submissions are screened using similarity detection software (Turnitin Similarity Software).
- Contact Information
Author/s are required to submit both soft and hard copies in MS Word format, along with their brief introduction, complete contact details and a letter certifying that the submission has not been previously published nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere at the following address:
Phone: +92-512120996
Postal Address: Office 02, School for Law and Development, First Floor, Khalid Plaza, 38 W, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad